NOTES for 23 June 2000, flight 1 Nov. 6, 2002 Large, complex, highly active system with no distinct anvil NOTE: 74C radar would have had wet radome attenuation after ~1645 and perhaps precip. attenuation to the West before 1645. System formed just to the NW of and over KSC from merger of two highly electrified storms, becoming a major complex over E central Florida by 1800 CAPPI w L 1800-1802 A/C made penetrations mostly through active regions of the complex with strong E fields. From 1720 to 1730 the A/C investigated a small cell to the N of the main complex. At first the fields were strong and even some LDAR flashes in the cell, but after ~1731 E fields were weak. CAPPI with L 1725-1728 MER 1720-1730 MER 1730-1740 Closure of PAFB by the storm complex forced landing at Vero Beach. Flight 2 was only a short Ferry Flight back from Vero Beach. Data Systems were not turned on.